Late 1960's
"Em 1968, Tuneu direcionou sua pesquisa estética para a construção do espaço fora do tradicional retângulo, usando cores e linhas retas. Essa mudança resultaria em uma série que, embora desse continuidade ao que ele já fazia, visualmente apre- sentava novos atributos. [...] Assim, nos últimos dois anos da década de 1960, um outro “estilo Tuneu” se manifestaria. [...] Uma depuração de fato ocorreu: sumiram as letras, os traços livres e as tramas. O seu gestual, tão único, dissipou-se e ele revelou uma obra geométrica, mais rígida e de cores sólidas. Tuneu se guiou pelo desejo de sintetizar, o que até hoje norteia seu pensamento estético. Permaneceram nesse estágio apenas formas definidas e cores lisas."
Trecho do texto "Geometria da Emoção"
de Caroline Menezes.
retirado do livro TUNEU, 2021.
"In 1968, Tuneu directed his aesthetical research to the construction of the space outside the traditional rectangle, using colors and straight lines. This change would result in a series that, although giving continuity to what he was already doing, visually presented new qualities. [...] Thus, during the last two years of the decade of 1960, another “Tuneu style” appeared. [...] In fact, a cleansing did occur: the letters, free strokes, and plots disappeared. His so very unique gesture disappeared and revealed a geometric art that was more rigid and used solid colors.Tuneu was guided by his desire to synthesize, which still today drives his aesthetic thinking. Only defined forms and plain colors remained during this stage. "
Excerpt of the text "Geometry of Emotion"
by Caroline Menezes.
from the book "TUNEU", 2021.
+ work series
Puro EspaçoPure Space
A história de dois quadradosThe history of two squares
Poéticas Paulistas IPaulista's Poetics #12002
Considerações sobre um relógio de solconsiderations on a sundial
Os sonhos de MickeyMickey’s Dreams
Geométricos - década 1970Geometrics 1970's
Década de 1970Untitled Series - 1970's
Geométricos - década de 1960Geometrics 1960's
Década de 19601960's
© copyright TUNEU 2021
All rights reserved. Any work presented on this website or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist.